Original newspapers from Daily Mail
The Daily Mail was first published as a broadsheet on 4th May 1896. It was an immediate success as it cost a halfpenny at a time when other dailies cost one penny.
On 5 May 1946, the Daily Mail celebrated its Golden Jubilee. Winston Churchill was the chief guest at the banquet and toasted it with a speech, In reply, Lord Rothermere II had something to say about the newsprint shortages at that time for, while the Daily Mail of 1896 was eight pages, the Daily Mail of 1946 was reduced to just four pages.
The News Chronicle was subsequently merged with the Daily Mail on 18th October 1960.
In May 1971, the 75th anniversary of its founding, it absorbed the Daily Sketch and in the same year re-launched in tabloid format, in 1982 it’s sister paper the Mail on Sunday was launched.
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